BMJ Open 5: doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008522
  • Paediatrics
    • Research

How parents and practitioners experience research without prior consent (deferred consent) for emergency research involving children with life threatening conditions: a mixed method study

Table 1

CATCH consent procedures

CATCH emergency arm CATCH elective arm
Who sought consent? CATCH research nurse or Principal Investigator CATCH research nurse or Principal Investigator
When was consent sought? Usually within 48 h of admission Prior to surgery
What was the order of consent, randomisation and CVC insertion?
  1. Randomisation

  2. CVC insertion and blood sample if there was a clinical indication of infection

  3. Deferred consent

  1. Prospective consent

  2. Randomisation

  3. CVC insertion and blood sample if there was a clinical indication of infection

  • CATCH, CATheter infections in Children; CVS, central venous catheter.

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