Diagenetic evolution and implications for the reservoir properties of selected shallow marine and aeolian sandstones.

Robert. Cooper, Mark
(1994) Diagenetic evolution and implications for the reservoir properties of selected shallow marine and aeolian sandstones. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

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Three sandstones of varying complexity have been examined with the aim of quantifying the effects of compaction and quartz cementation upon their diagenetic evolution. Emphasis has been placed on the scales of heterogeneity, determination of the physical controls on cement distribution, porosity and permeability. The shallow marine, Fontainebleau Sandstone provides a relatively simple system in which to examine progressive porosity and permeability reduction as a result of compaction and quartz cementation. Cement was precipitated as lenses in response to ground water outflow during the recent morphological development of the Paris Basin. Conventional modal and textural analyses using transmitted light proved difficult, because grain/overgrowth boundaries are poorly defined. However, combined SEM BSE CL and image analysis enabled accurate quantification of detrital and authigenic quartz, minus-cement porosity and intergranular porosity. Analyses indicate an extremely mature sand in terms of both mineralogy (100% quartz) and texture (Fine Upper, Well Sorted). Minus-cement porosity values are high (-33%bv) indicating that cementation occurred at a shallow depth. The degree of silicification is the dominant variable control on permeability. Helium porosity and liquid permeability measurements are in the range of 8.6% and 114mO to 26% and 60, the data agree with predicted values. The distribution of quartz cement, in relation to the Eden Valley Basin structure and stratigraphy, for the Penrith Sandstone has been examined via literature review, fieldwork and aerial photographs. Quartz cement is found dominantly north of Cliburn and towards the top of the formation; the base of the formation lacks quartz cement and has undergone greater pressure solution. Models for convective fluid flow are proposed to account for the distribution of cement observed. The Bowscar dune study examines how quartz cement influences dune-scale diagenetic evolution within a transverse aeolian dune. The Locharbriggs dune is used to compare porosity and permeability characteristics. SystematiC sampling of cores cut parallel to lamination and collected horizontally and vertically over the preserved dunes ensured adequate and unbiased sampling. Modal and textural analysis of the Bowscar dune indicate that dune-scale controls on quartz cement distribution include effects of primary depOSitional fabric, detrital mineralogy and compaction. Porosity and permeability measured from the cores give a three-dimensional (3-~) analysis and demonstrates lateral and vertical variations associated with the distribution of lamination types within the dunes. At the lamina scale, 3-D geometrical quantification of detrital framework, quartz cement, minus-cement and intergranular porosity networks has been achieved using preciSion serial grinding/polishing, coupled with SEM BSE CL imaging and 3-~ reconstruction techniques.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2023 10:19
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2023 10:23
DOI: 10.17638/03176075
Copyright Statement: Copyright © and Moral Rights for this thesis and any accompanying data (where applicable) are retained by the author and/or other copyright owners. A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge.
URI: https://livrepository.liverpool.ac.uk/id/eprint/3176075