Intensive big room process for co-creating value in legacy construction projects

Alhava, O, Laine, E and Kiviniemi, A ORCID: 0000-0001-6570-0188
(2015) Intensive big room process for co-creating value in legacy construction projects. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 20. pp. 146-158.

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In construction projects the changes and refinements of client requirements are often seen just as a disturbance causing additional costs. However, today clients' business needs evolve constantly and therefore changes in the project requirements are inevitable. Simultaneously, the increasing competition forces companies to minimise unproductive capital costs. Therefore there is an economical pressure to shorten the construction time and the design and construction will be even more concurrent than today. There is clearly potential value to be created for customer by terms of collaborative design process. Fira is an innovative Finnish company which has developed its interactive and customer centric Verstas process since 2009. Fira is using service logic as a guiding principle in the development of collaborative design processes, such as Intensive Big Room (IBR), which is a combination of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and further development of Integrated Concurrent Engineering (ICE ) and Big Room methodologies. The traditional project management methods are not efficient in managing late changes in customer's requirements. This article presents a new method combining collaborative design process, requirements management and IBR in a small sub-process - locking and ironmongery - in legacy construction project models. The sub-process was selected for the development of the method because it is a perfect example of the traditional fragmented process where efficient coordination between different participants and management of requirements are very difficult. However, the same principles can be applied to many other sub-processes too. The method combines service logic, value co-creation and use of IBR concept in a standard contract environment in a unique way which can give significant benefits to the companies able to adopt the presented concept in their business models. Using these methods Fira can now change its business model, differentiate with more attractive value proposal for customer, create more value than its competitors and capture value for securing its competitiveness in future.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Co-creation, Customer value, BIM, Big Room, ICE, Alliance Model, Collaborative design
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 04 Mar 2015 10:41
Last Modified: 17 Dec 2022 02:07
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