Childhood adversity in body dysmorphic concerns

Black, Nancy
Childhood adversity in body dysmorphic concerns. Doctor of Clinical Psychology thesis, University of Liverpool.

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The systematic review in Chapter 1 synthesizes evidence for the role of childhood adversity in BDD. This includes a background to the area, a detailed description of the review process, and appraisal and synthesis of current research evidence. In summary, experiences of sexual and emotional abuse, including victimisation and teasing aimed at physical appearance appear to be strongly associated with dysmorphic concern and BDD. Although the review concludes that there is evidence for a relationship between childhood adversity and body dysmorphic disorder, it also highlights a paucity of research in the area and identifies particular gaps in the literature. Specifically in light of the finding that appearance-focused teasing is implicated in the development of BDD, Chapter 2, the empirical paper, seeks to explore this further. Recognizing dysmorphic concern as the central concept in BDD, the study examines the role of specificity in the relationship between appearance-focused teasing and dysmorphic concern in a University sample. The chapter provides an introduction and rationale for the study. An online survey method was selected to attend to the aims and objectives of the study, and findings are analysed and reported using carefully selected quantitative methods. Participants who recalled a specific focus to appearance teasing during childhood (i.e. teasing aimed at a specific body part) were found to have significantly higher levels of body dysmorphic concern, than those who were teased more generally about their appearance, or not at all. However, specificity did not moderate the relationship between frequency of appearance teasing and dysmorphic concern in further analyses. A discussion of the findings in relation to existing research evidence and clinical practice is provided and limitations of the study are discussed along with recommendations for future research.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor of Clinical Psychology)
Additional Information: Date: 2015-06-08 (completed)
Subjects: ?? BF ??
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 21 Jan 2016 15:24
Last Modified: 17 Dec 2022 01:38
DOI: 10.17638/02033699