TTIP, ISDS and the Implications for Irish Public Health Policy

Curtis, Joshua and Reynolds, John
(2015) TTIP, ISDS and the Implications for Irish Public Health Policy. [Report]

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Free trade agreements and investment treaties have the stated aims of promoting economic activity and growth through increased global trade and investment flows. The presumptions that broader societal benefits—such as improved population health—will trickle down from such market liberalisation are increasingly called into question by deepening levels of social and economic inequality around the world. Against this backdrop, the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) has generated concern as to its potential effects on public health policy and standards. The present study seeks to build on and deepen the existing research and analysis in this regard, with the specific purpose of clarifying and evaluating TTIP’s implications on health policy in Ireland. The study is sensitive to Ireland’s specific economic situation; that is, its economic model, current financial, regulatory and social situation, medium-term economic prospects and its institutional and policy structure with regard to public health. It is suggested that peripheral EU States like Ireland can benefit from an understanding of the experience of global South countries with respect to trade liberalisation and the evolution of investor protection through international treaties. In light of historical and recent developments in international trade and investment law and policy, the study addresses the likely implications of TTIP on public health policy in Ireland under three categories: 1) general or cross-cutting considerations such as government regulatory space, social costs and the obstacles that TTIP may pose to alternative models of public health governance; 2) the impact of investment provisions; 3) and the impact of trade provisions. The overarching aims of the study are to: 1) map the likely effects of TTIP in the Irish health sector context and critically evaluate the health-related risks and benefits; 2) inform debate over the relationship between transnational modes of trade and investment governance on the one hand, and democratic control over localised and national public health policy on the other; 3) provide an evidentiary and analytic framework that may better inform public engagement, advocacy strategy and policy-making with respect to economic liberalisation and health policy in Ireland and beyond.

Item Type: Report
Subjects: ?? K1 ??
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2016 16:30
Last Modified: 17 Dec 2022 01:34