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ORCID: 0000-0001-5119-9740, Fay, R, Ferguson, D, Fernandez Albor, V, Ferrari, F, Ferreira Rodrigues, F, Ferro-Luzzi, M, Filippov, S, Fiore, M, Fiorini, M, Firlej, M, Fitzpatrick, C, Fiutowski, T, Fol, P, Fontana, M, Fontanelli, F, Forty, R, Francisco, O, Frank, M, Frei, C, Frosini, M, Fu, J, Furfaro, E, Gallas Torreira, A, Galli, D, Gallorini, S, Gambetta, S, Gandelman, M, Gandini, P, Gao, Y, Garcia Pardinas, J, Garofoli, J, Tico, J Garra, Garrido, L, Gascon, D, Gaspar, C, Gastaldi, U, Gauld, R, Gavardi, L, Gazzoni, G, Geraci, A, Gerick, D, Gersabeck, E, Gersabeck, M, Gershon, T, Ghez, Ph, Gianelle, A, Giani, S, Gibson, V, Giubega, L, Gligorov, VV, Goebel, C, Golubkov, D, Golutvin, A, Gomes, A, Gotti, C, Gandara, M Grabalosa, Graciani Diaz, R, Granado Cardoso, LA, Grauges, E, Graverini, E, Graziani, G, Grecu, A, Greening, E, Gregson, S, Griffith, P, Grillo, L, Gruenberg, O, Gui, B, Gushchin, E, Guz, Yu, Gys, T, Hadjivasiliou, C, Haefeli, G, Haen, C, Haines, SC, Hall, S, Hamilton, B, Hampson, T, Han, X, Hansmann-Menzemer, S, Harnew, N, Harnew, ST, Harrison, J, He, J, Head, T, Heijne, V, Hennessy, K
ORCID: 0000-0002-1529-8087, Henrard, P, Henry, L, Hernando Morata, JA, van Herwijnen, E, Hess, M, Hicheur, A, Hill, D, Hoballah, M, Hombach, C, Hulsbergen, W, Humair, T, Hussain, N, Hutchcroft, D
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Measurement of the forward <i>Z</i> boson production cross-section in <i>pp</i> collisions at √<i>s</i>=7 TeV.
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A measurement of the production cross-section of Z bosons in pp collisions at
$\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV is presented using dimuon and dielectron final states in
LHCb data. The cross-section is measured for leptons with pseudorapidities in
the range $2.0 < \eta < 4.5$, transverse momenta $p_\text{T} > 20$ GeV and
dilepton invariant mass in the range $60<m(\ell\ell)<120$ GeV. The integrated
cross-section from averaging the two final states is
\begin{equation*}\sigma_{\text{Z}}^{\ell\ell} = 194.3 \pm 0.9 \pm 3.3 \pm
7.6\text{ pb,}\end{equation*} where the first uncertainty is statistical, the
second is due to systematic effects, and the third is due to the luminosity
determination. In addition, differential cross-sections are measured as
functions of the Z boson rapidity, transverse momentum and the angular variable
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All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and
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Uncontrolled Keywords: |
Electroweak interaction, Hadron-Hadron Scattering, proton-proton scattering, QCD, Forward physics |
Depositing User: |
Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: |
06 Oct 2016 08:00 |
Last Modified: |
14 Mar 2024 23:49 |
DOI: |
10.1007/JHEP08(2015)039 |
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