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Anderson, M, Andringa, S, Arushanova, E, Asahi, S, Askins, M, Auty, DJ, Back, AR, Barnard, Z, Barros, N, Bartlett, D et al (show 178 more authors) , Barao, F, Bayes, R, Beier, EW, Bialek, A, Biller, SD, Blucher, E, Bonventre, R, Boulay, M, Braid, D, Caden, E, Callaghan, EJ, Caravaca, J, Carvalho, J, Cavalli, L, Chauhan, D, Chen, M, Chkvorets, O, Clark, KJ, Cleveland, B, Connors, C, Coulter, IT, Cressy, D, Dai, X, Darrach, C, Davis-Purcell, B, Depatie, MM, Descamps, F, Di Lodovico, F, Duhaime, N, Duncan, F, Dunger, J, Falk, E, Fatemighomi, N, Fischer, V, Fletcher, E, Ford, R, Gagnon, N, Gilje, K, Gorel, P, Graham, K, Grant, C, Grove, J, Grullon, S, Guillian, E, Hallin, AL, Hallman, D, Hans, S, Hartnell, J, Harvey, P, Hedayatipour, M, Heintzelman, WJ, Heise, J, Helmer, RL, Hernandez-Hernandez, JL, Hreljac, B, Hu, J, Iida, T, Inacio, AS, Jackson, CM, Jelley, NA, Jillings, Cj, Jones, C, Jones, PG, Kamdin, K, Kaptanaglu, T, Kaspar, J, Keeter, K, Kefelian, C, Khaghani, P, Kippenbrock, L, Klein, JR, Knapik, R, Kofron, J, Kormos, LL, Krar, B, Kraus, C, Krauss, CB, Kroupova, T, Labe, K, Lam, I, Lan, C, Land, BJ, Lane, R, Langrock, S, LaTorre, A, Lawson, I, Lebanowski, L, Lefeuvre, GM, Leming, EJ, Li, A, Lidgard, J, Liggins, B, Liu, X, Liu, Y, Lozza, V
ORCID: 0000-0002-9521-8517, Luo, M, Maguire, S, Maio, A, Majumdar, K
ORCID: 0000-0003-3473-2376, Manecki, S, Maneira, J, Martin, RD, Marzec, E, Mastbaum, A, McCauley, N
ORCID: 0000-0002-5982-5125, McDonald, AB, McMillan, JE, Mekarski, P, Meyer, M, Miller, C, Mlejnek, M, Mony, E, Morton-Blake, I, Mottram, MJ, Nae, S, Nirkko, M, Novikov, V, O'Keeffe, HM, O'Sullivan, E, Gann, GD Orebi, Parnell, MJ, Paton, J, Peeters, SJM, Pershing, T, Petriw, Z, Pickard, L, Pracsovics, D, Prior, G, Rumleskie, J, Schumaker, MA, Schwendener, MH, Scislowski, D, Secrest, J, Seddighin, M, Segui, L, Seibert, S, Semenec, I, Shantz, T, Shokair, TM, Sibley, L, Sinclair, JR, Singh, K, Skensved, P, Sonley, T, Stainforth, R, Strait, M, Stringer, MI, Svoboda, R, Soerensen, A, Tam, B, Tatar, J, Tian, L, Tolich, N, Tseng, J, Tseung, HWC, Turner, E, Van Berg, R, Veinot, JGC, Virtue, CJ, von Krosigk, B, Vazquez-Jauregui, E, Walker, JMG, Walker, M, Wang, J, Wasalski, O, Waterfield, J, Weigand, JJ, White, RF, Wilson, JR, Winchester, TJ, Woosaree, P, Wright, A, Yanez, JP, Yeh, M, Zhao, T, Zuber, K, Zummo, A and Collaboration, SNO
Search for invisible modes of nucleon decay in water with the SNO plus detector.
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This paper reports results from a search for nucleon decay through invisible modes, where no visible energy is directly deposited during the decay itself, during the initial water phase of SNO+. However, such decays within the oxygen nucleus would produce an excited daughter that would subsequently deexcite, often emitting detectable gamma rays. A search for such gamma rays yields limits of 2.5×1029 y at 90% Bayesian credibility level (with a prior uniform in rate) for the partial lifetime of the neutron, and 3.6×1029 y for the partial lifetime of the proton, the latter a 70% improvement on the previous limit from SNO. We also present partial lifetime limits for invisible dinucleon modes of 1.3×1028 y for nn, 2.6×1028 y for pn and 4.7×1028 y for pp, an improvement over existing limits by close to 3 orders of magnitude for the latter two.