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Adamczyk, L, Adams, JR, Adkins, JK, Agakishiev, G, Aggarwal, MM, Ahammed, Z, Ajitananda, NN, Alekseev, I, Anderson, DM, Aoyama, R et al (show 338 more authors) , Aparin, A, Arkhipkin, D, Aschenauer, EC, Ashraf, MU, Attri, A, Averichev, GS, Bairathi, V, Barish, K, Behera, A, Bellwied, R, Bhasin, A, Bhati, AK, Bhattarai, P, Bielciki, J, Bielcikova, J, Bland, LC, Bordyuzhin, IG, Bouchet, J, Brandenburg, JD, Brandin, AV, Brown, D, Bryslawskyj, J, Bunzarov, I, Butterworth, J, Caines, H, Sanchez, M Calderon de la Barca, Campbell, JM, Cebra, D, Chakaberia, I, Chaloupka, R, Chang, Z, Chankova-Bunzarova, N, Chatterjee, A, Chattopadhyay, S, Chen, JH, Chen, X, Chen, X, Cheng, J, Cherney, M, Christie, W, Contin, G, Crawford, HJ, Dedovich, TG, Deng, J, Deppner, IM, Derevschikov, AA, Didenko, L, Dilks, C, Dong, X, Drachenberg, JL, Draper, JE, Dunlop, JC, Efimov, LG, Elsey, N, Engelage, J, Eppley, G, Esha, R, Esumi, S, Evdokimov, O, Ewigleben, J, Eyser, O, Fatemi, R, Fazio, S, Federic, P, Federicova, P, Fedorisin, J, Feng, Z, Filip, P, Finch, E, Fisyak, Y, Flores, CE, Fujita, J, Fulek, L, Gagliardi, CA, Geurts, F, Gibson, A, Girard, M, Grosnick, D, Gunarathne, DS, Guo, Y, Gupta, A, Guryn, W, Hamad, AI, Hamed, A, Harlenderova, A, Harris, JW, He, L, Heppelmann, S, Heppelmann, S, Herrmann, N, Hirsch, A, Horvat, S, Huang, X, Huang, HZ, Huang, T, Huang, B, Humanic, TJ, Huo, P, Igo, G, Jacobs, WW, Jentsch, A, Jia, J, Jiang, K, Jowzaee, S, Judd, EG, Kabana, S, Kalinkin, D, Kang, K, Kapukchyan, D, Kauder, K, Ke, HW, Keane, D, Kechechyan, A, Khan, Z, Kikola, DP, Kim, C, Kisel, I, Kisiel, A, Kochenda, L, Kocmanek, M, Kollegger, T, Kosarzewski, LK, Kraishan, AF, Krauth, L, Kravtsov, R, Krueger, K, Kulathunga, N, Kumar, L, Kvapil, J, Kwasizur, JH, Lacey, R, Landgraf, JM, Landry, KD, Lauret, J, Lebedev, A, Lednicky, R, Lee, JH, Li, W, Li, C, Li, X, Li, Y, Lidrych, J, Lin, T, Lisa, MA, Liu, Y, Liu, H, Liu, F, Liu, P, Ljubicic, T, Llope, WJ, Lomnitz, M, Longacre, RS, Luo, X, Luo, S, Ma, L, Ma, YG, Ma, GL, Ma, R, Magdy, N, Majka, R, Mallick, D, Margetis, S, Markert, C, Matis, HS, Mayes, D, Meehan, K, Mei, JC, Miller, ZW, Minaev, NG, Mioduszewski, S, Mishra, D, Mizuno, S, Mohanty, B, Mondal, MM, Morozov, DA, Mustafa, MK, Nasim, Md, Nayak, TK, Nelson, JM, Nemes, DB, Nie, M, Nigmatkulov, G, Niida, T, Nogach, LV, Nonaka, T, Nurushev, SB, Odyniec, G, Ogawa, A, Oh, K, Okorokov, VA, Jr, Olvitt D, Page, BS, Pak, R, Pandit, Y, Panebratsev, Y, Pawlik, B, Pei, H, Perkins, C, Pluta, J, Poniatowska, K, Porter, J, Posik, M, Pruthi, NK, Przybycien, M, Putschke, J, Quintero, A, Ramachandran, S, Ray, RL, Reed, R, Rehbein, MJ, Ritter, HG, Roberts, JB, Rogachevskiy, OV, Romero, JL, Roth, JD, Ruan, L, Rusnak, J, Rusnakova, O, Sahoo, NR, Sahu, PK, Salur, S, Sandweiss, J, Saur, M, Schambach, J, Schmah, AM, Schmidke, WB, Schmitz, N, Schweid, BR, Seger, J, Sergeeva, M, Seto, R, Seyboth, P, Shah, N, Shahaliev, E, Shanmuganathan, PV, Shao, M, Shen, WQ, Shi, SS, Shi, Z, Shou, QY, Sichtermann, EP, Sikora, R, Simko, M, Singha, S, Skoby, MJ, Smirnov, N, Smirnov, D, Solyst, W, Sorensen, R, Spinka, HM, Srivastava, B, Stanislaus, TDS, Stewart, DJ, Strikhanov, M, Stringfellow, B, Suaide, AAP, Sugiura, T, Sumbera, M, Summa, B, Sun, X, Sun, XM, Sun, Y, Surrow, B, Svirida, DN, Tang, Z, Tang, AH, Taranenko, A, Tarnowsky, T, Tawfik, A, Thaeder, J, Thomas, JH, Timmins, AR, Tlusty, D, Todoroki, T, Tokarev, M, Trentalange, S, Tribble, RE, Tribedy, P, Tripathy, SK, Trzeciak, BA, Tsai, OD, Tu, B, Ullrich, T, Underwood, DG, Upsal, I, Van Buren, G, Van Nieuwenhuizen, G, Vasiliev, AN, Videbaek, F, Vokal, S, Voloshin, SA, Vossen, A, Wang, G, Wang, Y, Wang, Y, Wang, F, Webb, G, Webb, JC, Wen, L, Westfall, GD, Wieman, H, Wissink, SW, Witt, R, Wu, Y, Xiao, ZG, Xie, G, Xie, W, Xu, N, Xu, YF, Xu, QH, Xu, Z, Yang, Y, Yang, C, Yang, S, Yang, Q, Ye, Z, Ye, Z, Yi, L, Yip, K, Yoo, I-K, Zbroszczyk, H, Zha, W, Zhang, JB, Zhang, J, Zhang, S, Zhang, J, Zhang, S, Zhang, Z, Zhang, Y, Zhang, L, Zhang, XP, Zhao, J, Zhong, C, Zhou, C, Zhou, L, Zhu, X, Zhu, Z and Zyzak, M
Transverse spin-dependent azimuthal correlations of charged pion pairs measured in p up arrow plus p collisions at ,root s=500 GeV.
pp. 332-339.
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The transversity distribution, which describes transversely polarized quarks
in transversely polarized nucleons, is a fundamental component of the spin
structure of the nucleon, and is only loosely constrained by global fits to
existing semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) data. In transversely
polarized $p^\uparrow+p$ collisions it can be accessed using transverse
polarization dependent fragmentation functions which give rise to azimuthal
correlations between the polarization of the struck parton and the final state
scalar mesons.
This letter reports on spin dependent di-hadron correlations measured by the
STAR experiment. The new dataset corresponds to 25 pb$^{-1}$ integrated
luminosity of $p^\uparrow+p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=500$ GeV, an increase of
more than a factor of ten compared to our previous measurement at
$\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV. Non-zero asymmetries sensitive to transversity are observed
at a $Q^2$ of several hundred GeV and are found to be consistent with the
former measurement and a model calculation. %we observe consistent with the
former measurement are observed.} We expect that these data will enable an
extraction of transversity with comparable precision to current SIDIS datasets
but at much higher momentum transfers where subleading effects are suppressed.