International ocean discovery program expedition 372 preliminary report creeping gas hydrate slides and Hikurangi LWD

Pecher, IA, Barnes, PM, LeVay, LJ, Bourlange, SM, Brunet, MMY, Cardona, S, Clennell, MB, Cook, AE, Dugan, B, Elger, J
et al (show 50 more authors) (2018) International ocean discovery program expedition 372 preliminary report creeping gas hydrate slides and Hikurangi LWD. International Ocean Discovery Program: Preliminary Reports (372). pp. 1-35. ISSN 1932-9423, 2372-9562

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International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 372 combined two research topics, slow slip events (SSEs) on subduction faults (IODP Proposal 781A-Full) and actively deforming gas hydrate-bearing landslides (IODP Proposal 841-APL). Our study area on the Hikurangi margin, east of the coast of New Zealand, provided unique locations for addressing both research topics.SSEs at subduction zones are an enigmatic form of creeping fault behavior. They typically occur on subduction zones at depths beyond the capabilities of ocean floor drilling. However, at the northern Hikurangi subduction margin they are among the best-documented and shallowest on Earth. Here, SSEs may extend close to the trench, where clastic and pelagic sediments about 1.0-1.5 km thick overlie the subducting, seamount-studded Hikurangi Plateau. Geodetic data show that these SSEs recur about every 2 years and are associated with measurable seafloor displacement. The northern Hikurangi subduction margin thus provides an excellent setting to use IODP capabilities to discern the mechanisms behind slow slip fault behaviour.

Item Type: Article
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2019 07:59
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2024 07:28
DOI: 10.14379/
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