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Abe, K, Akutsu, R, Ali, A, Alt, C, Amey, J, Andreopoulos, C
ORCID: 0000-0003-2020-8215, Anthony, L, Antonova, M, Aoki, S, Ariga, A et al (show 374 more authors) , Ashida, Y, Atkin, ET, Awataguchi, Y, Azuma, Y, Ban, S, Barbi, M, Barker, GJ, Barr, G, Barry, C, Batkiewicz-Kwasniak, M, Beloshapkin, A, Bench, F, Berardi, V, Berkman, S, Berner, RM, Berns, L, Bhadra, S, Bienstock, S, Blondel, A, Bolognesi, S, Bordoni, S, Bourguille, B, Boyd, SB, Brailsford, D, Bravar, A, Bronner, C, Avanzini, M Buizza, Calcutt, J, Calland, RG, Campbell, T, Cao, S, Cartwright, SL, Castillo, R, Catanesi, MG, Cervera, A, Chappell, A, Checchia, C, Cherdack, D, Chikuma, N, Christodoulou, G, Coleman, J
ORCID: 0000-0003-1319-0889, Collazuol, G, Cook, L, Coplowe, D, Cudd, A, Dabrowska, A, De Rosa, G, Dealtry, T, Denner, PF, Dennis, SR, Densham, C, Di Lodovico, F, Dokania, N, Dolan, S, Drapier, O, Duffy, KE, Dumarchez, J, Dunne, P, Eklund, L, Emery-Schrenk, S, Ereditato, A, Fernandez, P, Feusels, T, Finch, AJ, Fiorentini, GA, Fiorillo, G, Francois, C, Friend, M, Fujii, Y, Fujita, R, Fukuda, D, Fukuda, R, Fukuda, Y, Gameil, K, Garcia, A, Giganti, C, Gizzarelli, F, Golan, T, Gonin, M, Gorin, A, Guigue, M, Hadley, DR, Haegel, L, Haigh, JT, Hamacher-Baumann, P, Hansen, D, Harada, J, Hartz, M, Hasegawa, T, Hastings, NC, Hayashino, T, Hayato, Y, Hillairet, A, Hiraki, T, Hiramoto, A, Hirota, S, Hogan, M, Holeczek, J, Van, NT Hong, Hosomi, F, Huang, K, Iacob, F, Ichikawa, AK, Ikeda, M, Imber, J, Inoue, T, Insler, J, Intonti, RA, Ishida, T, Ishii, T, Ishitsuka, M, Iwai, E, Iwamoto, K, Izmaylov, A, Jamieson, B, Jenkins, SJ
ORCID: 0000-0002-0982-8141, Jesus-Valls, C, Jiang, M, Johnson, S, Jonsson, P, Jung, CK, Kabirnezhad, M, Kaboth, AC, Kajita, T, Kakuno, H, Kameda, J, Karlen, D, Kataoka, Y, Katori, T, Kato, Y, Kearns, E, Khabibullin, M, Khotjantsev, A, Kim, H, Kim, J, King, S, Kisiel, J, Knight, A, Knox, A, Kobayashi, T, Koch, L, Koga, T, Koller, PP, Konaka, A, Kormos, LL, Koshio, Y, Kowalik, K, Kubo, H, Kudenko, Y, Kukita, N, Kurjata, R, Kutter, T, Kuze, M, Labarga, L, Lagoda, J, Lamont, I, Lamoureux, M, Lasorak, P, Laveder, M, Lawe, M, Licciardi, M, Lindner, T, Liptak, ZJ, Litchfield, RP, Liu, SL, Li, X, Longhin, A, Lopez, JP, Lou, T, Ludovici, L, Lu, X, Lux, T, Machado, LN, Magaletti, L, Mahn, K, Malek, M, Manly, S, Maret, L, Marino, AD, Martin, JF, Martins, P, Martynenko, S, Maruyama, T, Matsubara, T, Matsushita, K, Matveev, V, Mavrokoridis, K
ORCID: 0000-0002-9244-4519, Ma, WY, Mazzucato, E, McCarthy, M, McCauley, N
ORCID: 0000-0002-5982-5125, McFarland, KS, McGrew, C, Mefodiev, A, Metelko, C, Mezzetto, M, Minamino, A, Mineev, O, Mine, S, Missert, A, Miura, M, Bueno, L Molina, Moriyama, S, Morrison, J, Mueller, Th A, Munteanu, L, Murphy, S, Nagai, Y, Nakadaira, T, Nakahata, M, Nakajima, Y, Nakamura, A, Nakamura, KG, Nakamura, K, Nakamura, KD, Nakanishi, Y, Nakayama, S, Nakaya, T, Nakayoshi, K, Nantais, C, Ngoc, TV, Nielsen, C, Niewczas, K, Nishikawa, K, Nishimura, Y, Nonnenmacher, TS, Nova, F, Novella, P, Nowak, J, Nugent, JC, O'Keeffe, HM, O'Sullivan, L, Okumura, K, Okusawa, T, Oryszczak, W, Oser, SM, Ovsyannikova, T, Owen, RA, Oyama, Y, Palladino, V, Palomino, JL, Paolone, V, Parker, WC, Patel, ND, Paudyal, P, Pavin, M, Payne, D, Penn, GC, Petrov, Y, Pickering, L, Pidcott, C, Guerra, ES Pinzon, Pistillo, C, Popov, B, Porwit, K, Posiadala-Zezula, M, Poutissou, J-M, Pritchard, A, Przewlocki, P, Quilain, B, Radermacher, T, Radicioni, E, Radics, B, Ratoff, PN, Rayner, MA, Reinherz-Aronis, E, Riccio, C, Rondio, E, Rossi, B, Roth, S, Rubbia, A, Ruggeri, AC, Rychter, A, Sakashita, K, Sanchez, F, Sasaki, S, Scantamburlo, E, Schloesser, CM, Scholberg, K, Schwehr, J, Scott, M, Seiya, Y, Sekiguchi, T, Sekiya, H, Sgalaberna, D, Shah, R, Shaikhiev, A, Shaker, F, Shaw, D, Shaykina, A, Shiozawa, M, Shirahige, T, Shorrock, W, Shvartsman, A, Smirnov, A, Smy, M, Sobczyk, JT, Sobel, H, Soler, FJP, Sonoda, Y, Steinmann, J, Stewart, T, Stowell, P, Suda, Y, Suvorov, S, Suzuki, A, Suzuki, SY, Suzuki, Y, Sztuc, AA, Tacik, R, Tada, M, Takeda, A, Takeuchi, Y, Tamura, R, Tanaka, HK, Tanaka, HA, Tanaka, S, Thakore, T, Thompson, LF, Tobayama, S, Toki, W, Tomura, T, Touramanis, C
ORCID: 0000-0001-5191-2171, Tsui, KM, Tsukamoto, T, Tzanov, M, Uchida, Y, Uno, W, Vagins, M, Valder, S, Vallari, Z, Vargas, D, Vasseur, G, Vilela, C, Vinning, WGS, Vladisavljevic, T, Volkov, VV, Wachala, T, Walker, J, Walsh, JG, Walter, CW, Wang, Y, Wark, D, Wascko, MO, Weber, A, Wendell, R, Wilking, MJ, Wilkinson, C, Wilson, JR, Wilson, RJ, Wood, K, Wret, C, Yamada, Y, Yamamoto, K, Yamasu, S, Yanagisawa, C, Yang, G, Yano, T, Yasutome, K, Yen, S, Yershov, N, Yokoyama, M, Yoshida, T, Yu, M, Zalewska, A, Zalipska, J, Zambelli, L, Zaremba, K, Zarnecki, G, Ziembicki, M, Zimmerman, ED, Zito, M, Zsoldos, S and Zykova, A
Measurement of the muon neutrino charged-current single π<SUP>+</SUP> production on hydrocarbon using the T2K off-axis near detector ND280.
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We report the measurements of single and double differential cross section of
muon neutrino charged-current interactions on carbon with a single positively
charged pion in the final state at the T2K off-axis near detector using
$5.56\times10^{20}$ protons on target. The analysis uses data control samples
for the background subtraction and the cross section signal, defined as a
single negatively charged muon and a single positively charged pion exiting
from the target nucleus, is extracted using an unfolding method. The model
dependent cross section, integrated over the T2K off-axis neutrino beam
spectrum peaking at $0.6$~GeV, is measured to be $\sigma = (11.76 \pm 0.44
\text{(stat)} \pm 2.39 \text{(syst)}) \times 10^{-40}
\text{cm}^2$~$\text{nucleon}^{-1}$. Various differential cross sections are
measured, including the first measurement of the Adler angles for single
charged pion production in neutrino interactions with heavy nuclei target.