Investigating Chinese travellers’ motivations: From the individual, market to country level

Qin, Lei
(2021) Investigating Chinese travellers’ motivations: From the individual, market to country level. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

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The aim of this thesis is to investigate Chinese travellers’ motivations in both shared accommodations and tourism destination choices by applying a mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative analysis) that employs both primary data collection techniques (e.g. semi-structural interview and survey research) and secondary database. Despite the extensive studies that have been made on travellers’ motivations in the selection of destination, traditional hotels and other accommodation modes (e.g. shared accommodations), research on Chinese travellers’ motivations systematically with considerable classification of travellers’ types remains limited. Of particular note are findings that extend the present tourism research by investigating Chinese travellers’ individual motivations, motivation-based tourism market segmentations and outbound tourism destination choices. Three studies in this thesis are internally linked with each other by “motivations” and illustrate Chinese travellers’ motivations from 1) tracking first-time travellers’ changes in motivations, before and after the trip, at individual level, 2) comparing heterogeneities between the motivation-based segments of pre-adopters (potential travellers) and post-adopters (actual travellers) at market level, and 3) examining the impact of cultural distance on outbound tourism flow at country level. This thesis provides the extensive contributions from the theoretical perspective by identifying the motivations that affect travellers’ decision process of shared accommodations and outbound destinations systematically, developing travellers’ types at different adoption stage and expanding the interdisciplinary theories and models of tourism research from adjacent fields. Moreover, the current thesis underlines practical contributions for tourism service practitioners by providing marketing strategies to target travellers at different adoption stages and segments, and providing useful information for regional public to influence travellers’ experience based on their countries of origin and to further promote their destinations, as well as the methods of doing so.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Chinese travellers; Motivation; Segmentation; Cultural distance; Outbound tourism flow
Divisions: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Management
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 08 Feb 2022 16:42
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2023 21:24
DOI: 10.17638/03143013