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Abazov, VM, Abbott, B, Acharya, BS, Adams, M, Adams, T, Agnew, JP, Alexeev, GD, Alkhazov, G, Altona, A, Askew, A et al (show 364 more authors) , Atkins, S, Augsten, K, Aushev, V, Aushev, Y, Avila, C, Badaud, F, Bagby, L, Baldin, B, Bandurin, DV, Banerjee, S, Barberis, E, Baringer, P, Bartlett, JF, Bassler, U, Bazterra, V, Bean, A, Begalli, M, Bellantoni, L, Beri, SB, Bernardi, G, Bernhard, R, Bertram, I, Besancon, M, Beuselinck, R, Bhat, PC, Bhatia, S, Bhatnagar, V, Blazey, G, Blessing, S, Bloom, K, Boehnlein, A, Boline, D, Boos, EE, Borissov, G, Borysoval, M, Brandt, A, Brandt, O, Brochmann, M, Brock, R, Bross, A, Brown, D, Bu, XB, Buehler, M, Buescher, V, Bunichev, V, Burdin, S, Buszello, CP, Camacho-Perez, E, Casey, BCK, Castilla-Valdez, H, Caughron, S, Chakrabarti, S, Chan, KM, Chandra, A, Chapon, E, Chen, G, Cho, SW, Choi, S, Choudhary, B, Cihangir, S, Claes, D, Clutter, J, Cookej, M, Cooper, WE, Corcoran, M, Couderc, F, Cousinou, M-C, Cuth, J, Cutts, D, Das, A, Davies, G, de Jong, SJ, De la Cruz-Burelo, E, Deliot, F, Demina, R, Denisov, D, Denisov, SP, Desai, S, Deterrec, C, DeVaughan, K, Diehl, HT, Diesburg, M, Ding, PF, Dominguez, A, Drutskoyq, A, Dubey, A, Dudko, LV, Duperrin, A, Dutt, S, Eads, M, Edmunds, D, Ellison, J, Elvira, VD, Enari, Y, Evans, H, Evdokimov, A, Evdokimov, VN, Faure, A, Feng, L, Ferbel, T, Fiedler, F, Filthaut, F, Fisher, W, Fisk, HE, Fortner, M, Fox, H, Franc, J, Fuess, S, Fu, Y, Garbincius, PH, Garcia-Bellido, A, Garcia-Gonzalez, JA, Gavrilov, V, Geng, W, Gerber, CE, Gershtein, Y, Ginther, G, Gogota, O, Golovanov, G, Grannis, PD, Greder, S, Greenlee, H, Grenier, G, Gris, Ph, Grivaz, J-F, Grohsjeanc, A, Gruenendahl, S, Gruenewald, MW, Guillemin, T, Gutierrez, G, Gutierrez, P, Haley, J, Han, L, Harder, K, Harel, A, Hauptman, JM, Hays, J, Head, T, Hebbeker, T, Hedin, D, Hegab, H, Heinson, AP, Heintz, U, Hensel, C, Heredia-De la Cruzd, I, Herner, K, Heskethf, G, Hildreth, MD, Hirosky, R, Hoang, T, Hobbs, JD, Hoeneisen, B, Hogan, J, Hohlfeld, M, Holzbauer, JL, Howley, I, Hubacek, Z, Hynek, V, Iashvili, I, Ilchenko, Y, Illingworth, R, Ito, AS, Jabeenm, S, Jaffre, M, Jayasinghe, A, Jeong, MS, Jesik, R, Jiang, P, Johns, K, Johnson, E, Johnson, M, Jonckheere, A, Jonsson, P, Joshi, J, Jungo, AW, Juste, A, Kajfasz, E, Karmanov, D, Katsanos, I, Kaur, M, Kehoe, R, Kermiche, S, Khalatyan, N, Khanov, A, Kharchilava, A, Kharzheev, YN, Kiselevich, I, Kohli, JM, Kozelov, AV, Kraus, J, Kumar, A, Kupco, A, Kurca, T, Kuzmin, VA, Lammers, S, Lebrun, P, Lee, HS, Lee, SW, Lee, WM, Lei, X, Lellouch, J, Li, D, Li, H, Li, L, Li, QZ, Lim, JK, Lincoln, D, Linnemann, J, Lipaev, VV, Lipton, R, Liu, H, Liu, Y, Lobodenko, A, Lokajicek, M, de Sa, R Lopes, Luna-Garciag, R, Lyon, AL, Maciel, AKA, Madar, R, Magana-Villalba, R, Malik, S, Malyshev, VL, Mansour, J, Martinez-Ortega, J, McCarthy, R, McGivern, CL, Meijer, MM, Melnitchouk, A, Menezes, D, Mercadante, PG, Merkin, M, Meyer, A, Meyeri, J, Miconi, F, Mondal, NK, Mulhearn, M, Nagy, E, Narain, M, Nayyar, R, Neal, HA, Negret, JP, Neustroev, P, Nguyen, HT, Nunnemann, T, Orduna, J, Osman, N, Pal, A, Parashar, N, Parihar, V, Park, SK, Partridgee, R, Parua, N, Patwaj, A, Penning, B, Perfilov, M, Peters, Y, Petridis, K, Petrillo, G, Petroff, P, Pleier, M-A, Podstavkov, VM, Popov, AV, Prewitt, M, Price, D, Prokopenko, N, Qian, J, Quadt, A, Quinn, B, Ratoff, PN, Razumov, I, Ripp-Baudot, I, Rizatdinova, F, Rominsky, M, Ross, A, Royon, C, Rubinov, P, Ruchti, R, Sajot, G, Sanchez-Hernandez, A, Sanders, MP, Santosh, AS, Savage, G, Savitskyi, M, Sawyer, L, Scanlon, T, Schamberger, RD, Scheglov, Y, Schellman, H, Schott, M, Schwanenbergerc, C, Schwienhorst, R, Sekaric, J, Severini, H, Shabalina, E, Shary, V, Shaw, S, Shchukin, AA, Shkola, O, Simak, V, Skubic, P, Slattery, P, Snow, GR, Snow, J, Snyder, S, Soldner-Rembold, S, Sonnenschein, L, Soustruznik, K, Stark, J, Stefaniuk, N, Stoyanova, DA, Strauss, M, Suter, L, Svoisky, P, Titov, M, Tokmenin, VV, Tsai, Y-T, Tsybychev, D, Tuchming, B, Tully, C, Uvarov, L, Uvarov, S, Uzunyan, S, Van Kooten, R, van Leeuwen, WM, Varelas, N, Varnes, EW, Vasilyev, IA, Verkheev, AY, Vertogradov, LS, Verzocchi, M, Vesterinen, M, Vilanova, D, Vokac, P, Wahl, HD, Wang, C, Wang, MHLS, Warchol, J, Watts, G, Wayne, M, Weichert, J, Welty-Rieger, L, Williamsn, MRJ, Wilson, GW, Wobisch, M, Wood, DR, Wyatt, TR, Xie, Y, Yamada, R, Yang, S, Yasuda, T, Yatsunenko, YA, Ye, W, Ye, Z, Yin, H, Yip, K, Youn, SW, Yu, JM, Zennamo, J, Zhao, TG, Zhou, B, Zhu, J, Zielinski, M, Zieminska, D and Zivkovic, L
Study of the normalized transverse momentum distribution of <i>W</i> bosons produced in <i>p</i>(<i>p</i>)over-bar collisions at √<i>s</i>=1.96 TeV.
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We present a study of the normalized transverse momentum distribution of W bosons produced in pp¯ collisions, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.35 fb-1 collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider at s=1.96 TeV. The measurement focuses on the transverse momentum region below 15 GeV, which is of special interest for electroweak precision measurements; it relies on the same detector calibration methods which were used for the precision measurement of the W boson mass. The measured distribution is compared to different QCD predictions and a procedure is given to allow the comparison of any further theoretical models to the D0 data.