Effect of Local Topography on Cell Division of <i>Staphylococcus</i> spp.

Sorzabal-Bellido, Ioritz ORCID: 0000-0001-8050-1443, Barbieri, Luca, Beckett, Alison J ORCID: 0000-0001-8377-325X, Prior, Ian A ORCID: 0000-0002-4055-5161, Susarrey-Arce, Arturo, Tiggelaar, Roald M, Fothergill, Joanne ORCID: 0000-0002-7012-1508, Raval, Rasmita and Fernandez, Yuri A Diaz
(2022) Effect of Local Topography on Cell Division of <i>Staphylococcus</i> spp. NANOMATERIALS, 12 (4). 683-. ISSN 2079-4991, 2079-4991

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Surface engineering is a promising strategy to limit or prevent the formation of biofilms. The use of topographic cues to influence early stages of biofilm formationn has been explored, yet many fundamental questions remain unanswered. In this work, we develop a topological model supported by direct experimental evidence, which is able to explain the effect of local topography on the fate of bacterial micro-colonies of <i>Staphylococcus</i> spp. We demonstrate how topological memory at the single-cell level, characteristic of this genus of Gram-positive bacteria, can be exploited to influence the architecture of micro-colonies and the average number of surface anchoring points over nano-patterned surfaces, formed by vertically aligned silicon nanowire arrays that can be reliably produced on a commercial scale, providing an excellent platform to investigate the effect of topography on the early stages of <i>Staphylococcus</i> spp. colonisation. The surfaces are not intrinsically antimicrobial, yet they delivered a topography-based bacteriostatic effect and a significant disruption of the local morphology of micro-colonies at the surface. The insights from this work could open new avenues towards designed technologies for biofilm engineering and prevention, based on surface topography.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: surface topography, bacterial cell growth mode, Staphylococcus spp., vertically aligned silicon nanowire arrays, early stage biofilm
Divisions: Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences > Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences > Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences > Tech, Infrastructure and Environmental Directorate
Faculty of Science and Engineering > School of Physical Sciences
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 10 May 2022 09:26
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2024 23:02
DOI: 10.3390/nano12040683
Open Access URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/12/4/683
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URI: https://livrepository.liverpool.ac.uk/id/eprint/3154544