Measurement of Prompt <i>D</i><SUP>0</SUP>, Λ<i><sub>c</sub></i><SUP>+</SUP>, and Σ<sub><i>c</i></sub><SUP>0,++</SUP> (2455) Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV

Acharya, S, Adamova, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU
et al (show 1010 more authors) (2022) Measurement of Prompt <i>D</i><SUP>0</SUP>, Λ<i><sub>c</sub></i><SUP>+</SUP>, and Σ<sub><i>c</i></sub><SUP>0,++</SUP> (2455) Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at √<i>s</i>=13 TeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 128 (1). 012001-. ISSN 0031-9007, 1079-7114

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The p_{T}-differential production cross sections of prompt D^{0}, Λ_{c}^{+}, and Σ_{c}^{0,++}(2455) charmed hadrons are measured at midrapidity (|y|<0.5) in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV. This is the first measurement of Σ_{c}^{0,++} production in hadronic collisions. Assuming the same production yield for the three Σ_{c}^{0,+,++} isospin states, the baryon-to-meson cross section ratios Σ_{c}^{0,+,++}/D^{0} and Λ_{c}^{+}/D^{0} are calculated in the transverse momentum (p_{T}) intervals 2<p_{T}<12 and 1<p_{T}<24  GeV/c. Values significantly larger than in e^{+}e^{-} collisions are observed, indicating for the first time that baryon enhancement in hadronic collisions also extends to the Σ_{c}. The feed-down contribution to Λ_{c}^{+} production from Σ_{c}^{0,+,++} is also reported and is found to be larger than in e^{+}e^{-} collisions. The data are compared with predictions from event generators and other phenomenological models, providing a sensitive test of the different charm-hadronization mechanisms implemented in the models.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: ALICE Collaboration
Divisions: Faculty of Science and Engineering > School of Physical Sciences
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 12 May 2022 14:49
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2024 21:27
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.012001
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