Neutron tagging following atmospheric neutrino events in a water Cherenkov detector

Abe, K, Haga, Y, Hayato, Y, Hiraide, K, Ieki, K, Ikeda, M, Imaizumi, S, Iyogi, K, Kameda, J, Kanemura, Y
et al (show 297 more authors) (2022) Neutron tagging following atmospheric neutrino events in a water Cherenkov detector. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, 17 (10). P10029-P10029.

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<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>We present the development of neutron-tagging techniques in Super-Kamiokande IV using a neural network analysis. The detection efficiency of neutron capture on hydrogen is estimated to be 26%, with a mis-tag rate of 0.016 per neutrino event. The uncertainty of the tagging efficiency is estimated to be 9.0%. Measurement of the tagging efficiency with data from an Americium-Beryllium calibration agrees with this value within 10%. The tagging procedure was performed on 3,244.4 days of SK-IV atmospheric neutrino data, identifying 18,091 neutrons in 26,473 neutrino events. The fitted neutron capture lifetime was measured as 218±9 μs.</jats:p>

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cherenkov detectors, Large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics, Neutrino detectors, Particle identification methods
Divisions: Faculty of Science and Engineering > School of Physical Sciences
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2023 10:45
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2023 03:33
DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/17/10/P10029
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