Business education jargon buster

Cuthbertson, Christine H and Hunter-Jones, Philippa ORCID: 0000-0002-0880-7357
Business education jargon buster. [Report] (Unpublished)

[thumbnail of This Business Education Jargon Buster is one outcome of a HEFCE funded, JISC/HEA managed, Open Educational Resource (OER) project. It is intended to be a re-purposable resource, of relevance to both business education and more generic areas too.] Microsoft Word (This Business Education Jargon Buster is one outcome of a HEFCE funded, JISC/HEA managed, Open Educational Resource (OER) project. It is intended to be a re-purposable resource, of relevance to both business education and more generic areas too.)
Business_Education_Jargon_Buster_OER.docx - Submitted version
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[thumbnail of This Business Education Jargon Buster is one outcome of a HEFCE funded, JISC/HEA managed, Open Educational Resource (OER) project. It is intended to be a re-purposable resource, of relevance to both business education and more generic areas too.] PDF (This Business Education Jargon Buster is one outcome of a HEFCE funded, JISC/HEA managed, Open Educational Resource (OER) project. It is intended to be a re-purposable resource, of relevance to both business education and more generic areas too.)
Business_Education_Jargon_Buster_OER.pdf - Submitted version
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike.

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This Business Education Jargon Buster is one outcome of a HEFCE funded, JISC/HEA managed, Open Educational Resource (OER) project. It is intended to be a re-purposable resource, of relevance not only to business education, but also adaptable to other subject areas and for generic application. It has been designed to take account of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) and could be used to help you in seeking professional recognition against that Framework. Examples of this professional recognition might include postgraduate certificates, HEA fellowships and other forms of professional development at any of the UKPSF descriptor levels.

Item Type: Report
Additional Information: To cite this work please use: Cuthbertson, C.H. and Hunter-Jones, P. (2011) Business Education Jargon Buster. University of Liverpool. If you re-use or re-purpose this work please also include the identifier:CHC:310711:01:HEA in your attributions. Date: 2011 (completed)
Uncontrolled Keywords: UKOER, UKPSF, Open for Business, induction, CPD, new academic, new lecturer, new researcher, induction programme, first day essentials, becoming a lecturer, academic teaching, academic research, academic administration, jargon buster, business terms, terminology, acronyms, glossary, CHC:310711:01:HEA.
Subjects: ?? H1 ??
?? L1 ??
Divisions: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Management
Depositing User: Symplectic Admin
Date Deposited: 14 Jul 2011 09:37
Last Modified: 17 Dec 2022 01:14
Publisher's Statement : © University of Liverpool 2011. CHC:310711:01:HEA. Except where otherwise noted, this work is released under the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales licence ( See additional guidance on page 17 regarding re-use of this work.