Bowness, John Michae
The distribution of copper and zinc in vertebrate eyes, and the association of these and other metals with melanin pigmentation.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Cook, Wilfrid Henry Russel
The use of a right pectoral lead electrocardiogram in myocardial infarction.
MD thesis, University of Liverpool.
DENNO, Severius Nematallah
Microwave studies of low-pressure discharges.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Joseph Nolan, Bernard
A critical edition of John Fletcher's Bonduca.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
LIAO, Hsiang-hua
Seasonal, tidal and diurnal movements and breeding of the free-swimming Crustacea Malacostraca of Port Erin Bay. The inshire feeding of the coal-fish (Gadus cirens) and other offshore fish in Port Erin Bay.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.