Andrew Bussell, Michael
The structural evolution of the coastal batholith in the provinces of Ancash and Lima, Central Peru.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Anthony Wilson, Paul
Potassium-Argon age studies in Peru with particular reference to the chronology of emplacement of the coastal batholith.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Birks, John Stacey
Aspects of overland pilgrimage from West Africa to Mecca, with special reference to Darfur Province, the Republic of the Sudan.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Bradley, Andrew Kenneth
The effects of disease on rural economy, social structure and settlement: a case study of onchocerciasis in the Hawal Valley, Nigeria.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
George Moore, Colin
Studies on the ecology and taxonomy of Manx Meiofauna.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Gill, Owen
Luke Street: a neighbourhood study in the social production of officially registered delinquency.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Greenberg, Cheryl Ann Marie
The Middle English Marian lyric.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Ho, Yau-Bunn
The use of Ulva Lactuca L. as an indicator organism for marine pollution.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Jones, William Hyde
The demand for urban public transport: an empirical marketing analysis.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Kirkwood House, Dennis
Pyrrhonism as depicted by Sextus Empiricus.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Law, Richard
Colonisation and the evolution of life histories in Poa Annua.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Masser, Francis Ian
The development of operational models for urban and regional planning.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Mohamed, Yagoub Abdalla
Some spatial aspects of rural change in Western Sudan: the case of Eastern Kordofan and El Fasher districts.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Newbury, Norman Frederick
A study of interest in relation to education with special reference to science education with children aged 8-13.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Pollard, Derek Alan Maxwell
The changing temper of American life in the nineteenth century.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Sawi Ali, Faisal
Studies on the biology and trematode infections of Bithynia tentaculata (Linn.) Prosobranchiaa : gastropoda.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Sidhu, Manjit Singh
Urbanization in West Malaysia.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Simoni Simonian, Wahak
Investigation into elastic and buckling behaviour of trapezoidal support diaphragms in steel box girder bridges.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Spencer, Alan Jeffrey
Ancient Egyptian brick architecture.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Wong, Kie Ann
The stock market in Hong Kong: a study of its functions and efficiency.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.