Baybutt, Robert Ian
A quantitative study of epilithic algae in a canal ecosystem.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Bowker, Sheelagh Mary
Electrical properties of polymers.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
D. Mee, L.
The chemistry and hydrography of some tropical coastal lagoons, Pacific coast of Mexico.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
F. Abdul-Kadir, F.
Base pressure effects on aerofoils in transonic flow.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Frangoulis, Athanasios C
A study of the dramatic role of the Sophoclean Chorus.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Grocott, John
The northern boundary of the Ikertoq shear belt, west Greenland.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Philosophy and methodology in the social sciences [by] Barry Hindess.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Harrop, Louis Alexander
The methodology and applications of contingency management in schools.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
James Lowe, Nicholas
Epidermal proliferation in essential fatty acid deficiency.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Johnson, Michael Stephen
Establishment of vegetation of metalliferous fluorspar mine tailings.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Joseph Musker, Anthony
Turbulent shear-flows near irregularly rough surfaces with particular references to ships' hulls.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Morris, John Tudor
Aspects of the syntax of D.H. Lawrence's Sea and Sardinia.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Olive Gohary, Jocelyn,
Sed-festival scenes of Amenhotep IV on the Karnok Talatat.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Peter Atkin, Brian
A mineralogical and chemical study of the paragenesis of opaque minerals in the Donegal granites and their aureole rocks, Eire.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Pugh Evans, Stephen
Austenitic nitriding and isothermal transformation of steel.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
R. Andrews, C.
The biology of the parasite fauna of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from Llyn Tegid, North Wales.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
R. Wright, J.
The construction of energy budgets for three intertidal rocky shore gastropods, Patella vulgata, Littorina littoralis and Nucella lapillus.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Robert Opalinski, Paul
The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Mjosa Limestone (Middle Ordovician), Norway.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Rojanapaibul, A.
The biology and the life history of Acanthocephalus clavula Dujardin, 1845 in Llyn Tegid (Bala Lake), North Wales.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
V. Hensley, L.
The official Persian documents in the Book of Ezra.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Whiteside, Noelle
The dock decasualisation issue 1889-1924: public policy and port labour reform.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.