A. Dauda, Z.
Representative bureaucracy and public policy-making in Nigeria.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
A. Higgins, D.
The interpretation and regional study of clay tobacco pipes : A case study of the Broseley District.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
A. Masoud, F.
Quality metrics in software engineering.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Abid, Samih Hussein
Rural development planning the formulation of planning policies for development planning areas (DPAs): with specal reference to the district of Jenin; West Bank.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Akrigg, J.
A probabilistic approach to the response of slender compliant offshore structures.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Alexander. Roberts, Dawn
Waste management in Wales : its problems and policy implications.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Andrew. Massey, Robert
The Lancastrian land settlement in Normandy and Northern France, 1417-1450.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Anne. Dixey, Rachael
Education and inequality in Botswana.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
B. Harris, F.
The School Board Day Industrial Schools : 1876 - 1903.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Batt, Catherine Jeanne
English literary response to French arthurian cyclic romance: contexts and perspectives for reading Malory.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Birch, Robert Samuel
The dynamic and static plastic collapse of structural members incorporating axial stiffening.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
C. Hall, M.
Adaptive IIR filter algorithms for real-time applications.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Clogan, T.
Applications of a new exact solution of the Navier-stokes equations to flow in pipes of varying width.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
D. Cope, M.
Experimental investigations and non-linear numerical analysis of skewed one-way prestressed concrete bridge decks.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
D. Hale, R.
Glycolysis in Crithidia fasciculata.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
D. Reynolds, A.
Tectonically controlled fluvial sedimentation in the South Pyrenean foreland basin.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
David John. Oglethorpe, Richard
A mineralogical and chemical study of the interaction between granite magma and pelitic country rock, Thorr pluton, Co. Donegal, Eire.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
David. Caddock, Brian
The influence of diffusion processes on the stress-corrosion of E-glass/polyester composites.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Davis, John Geoffrey
A rational expectations model of the Federal Republic of Germany.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
E. Williams, E.
Psychological contributions to the control of hospital-acquired infections.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Edwards, Sarah Ann
On the local topological classification of real stable map germs.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Elliott, Geraldine
The bacterial flora of the prepuce and associated diverticulum of the boar and its effects on sow health and productivity.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Evine Mary Elizabeth. Fleming, Carolyn
Ideas of the self in Medieval English literature.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Feehan, L.
Charitable effort, statutory authorities and the poor in Liverpool c.1850-1914.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Finegan, Timothy
Theoretical investigation of optical waveguide and fibre components.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
G. Baxter, A.
The oxidation and carburisation of Fe-9%Cr-1%Mo steel.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Gaughan, Gillian Patricia
Rank and social status in non-Arthurian romance of the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Griffiths, John Wynn
Benzodiazepines and behavioural tolerance.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
H. White, R.
Roman and Celtic objects in Anglo-Saxon cemetries of the Pagan period : A catalogue and an interpretation of their use.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Helier. Treece, David
The indian in Brazilian literature and ideas (1500-1945).
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
J. Boiling, T.
The Guia espiritual of Miguel de Molinos and passivity in mystical prayer.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
J. C. Mafico, C.
An analysis of public sector urban low income housing in Zimbabwe : An appropriate housing policy.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
J. Ghadiali, E.
The development, standardisation and validation of an instrument designed to measure coping with chronic pain.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
J. Griffiths, C.
Sedimentology of the Lower and Middle Cambrian of North Wales.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
K. Singham, J.
An investigation of the science process skills in the intended and implemented PSP of Singapore.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Khan, K.
Psychiatric morbidity amongst ex Far East prisoners of war more than thirty years after repatriation.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Lewis, Elfed
The thermal properties of an SF6 circuit breaker arc during the current zero period.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Li, Xing-Si.
Entropy and optimization.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Little, F.
The alienated protagonist : Some effects of generic interaction in Middle English literature.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
M-L. Yu, R.
George Eliot and John Stuart Mill : Liberal positivism and the handling of determinism.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
M. A. F. Amer, E-S.
Climatic influences and settlement form : A case study of the north west coast of Egypt.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
MORTON, HR ORCID: 0000-0002-8524-2695 and SHORT, HB
pp. 267-278.
ISSN 0305-0041, 1469-8064
Margaret. Apps, Gillian
The evolution of the Gres d'Annot Basin, S.W. Alps.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Margaret. Gill, Susan
The effect of superplasticising admixtures on the performance of ciment fondu.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Marsh, Duncan.
On the geometry of mechanisms.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
May. Grant, Linda
Women workers and the sexual division of labour : Liverpool 1890 - 1939.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
McCann, F.
Change in the political, economic, social and value systems of Ireland : A study in capitalist development.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Mills, Stephen William
Sewage treatment in waste stabilisation ponds: physiological studies on the microalgal and faecal coliform populations.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Mitchell, Peter Lawrence
Young children's understanding of varieties of verbal reference.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Motamed-Amini, Amir.
The behaviour and characteristics of a vortex diode in steam flows.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
N. Thomas, D.
Salt tolerances in Cladophora (chlorophyceae) : A study of populations and species.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Nimmo, Malcolm
Trace metal speciation in natural waters.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Nutter, Richard Donald
Implications of return migration from the United Kingdom for urban employment in Kingston, Jamaica.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Nutter, Richard Donald
Implications of return migration from the United Kingdom for urban employment in Kingston, Jamaica.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
P. Dawes, C.
The cultivation and alginate content of laminariales in the Irish Sea.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
P. Gostelow, J.
Publications in turbomachinery aerodynamics and related fields.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Pygott, John Robert
The effects of boat traffic on canal ecosystems.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Spencer, Joseph.
Some investigations of the behaviour of a rotating arc discharge.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Starkey, Patricia Margaret
Aspects of the christian understanding of the nature of peace in the Middle Ages.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Sykes, K.
The role of exercise in community health and fitness promotion.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
T. Chamberlain, A.
A taxonomic review and phylogenetic analysis of Homo habilis.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Tasleem. Shakur, Mohammed
An analysis of squatter settlements in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Thomas. Moffat, David
The serpentinized ultramafites of the Shetland Caledonides.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Thompson, Jill
Population biology of Anthoxanthum odoratum, Plantago laneolata and Rumex acetosa on zinc and lead mine spoil.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Tierney, John
Automatic mesh generation for finite element analysis.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Trigg, A.
The spatial and distributional impacts of government spending : A social accounts approach.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Watson, D.
Aspects of the population ecology of Senecio vulgaris L.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Winnard, Andrew Charles
Memory and selfhood in Christa Wolfe's prose.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Worrall, Les.
Information systems development and the analysis of urban change.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Y. Hong, S.
Phylogenetic studies on the larvae of decapod crustaceans.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.
Yip, Chi-kwing
Computer aided shear wall and shear core building design.
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.